Installation of fixed glazing is started at the Nizhny Novgorod Stadium

Installation of fixed glazing is started at the Nizhny Novgorod Stadium

The 23rd visiting meeting attended by the Governor of the Nizhny Novgorod Region Valery Shantsev and General Director of STG Mikhail Khryapov was held at the construction site of the Nizhny Novgorod Stadium. The Head of the region had a tour around the second floor of the stadium where the seats for people with limited mobility would be placed. The builders started installing external fixed glazing in the entrance lobby buildings. In total there will be over 15 thousand sq. meters of external and internal fixed glazing installed at the stadium. The glazing glass is supplied by the local Borsky Glass Works.

“The steel structures are ready by 95%. It means 9,800 tons of steel are assembled and there’s just a little more to go. The concreting of the lower level stands is almost finished, and we have started the next stage of the pedestrian overpass installation. Walling and partitioning are in progress in all sectors; as of today these works are completed by 50%. In April we are planning to start finishing the rooms and proceed to the preparatory stage of the pitch set-up”, said Sergey Pichushkin.

Dismantling of auxiliary components which supported the inner ring of the roof frame before the steel structures over the stands were set to their final position is almost finished at the football field territory. There are 5 auxiliary towers left to take down; the works completion is scheduled before the end of March.

Installation of utility systems both inside the stadium building and outside its perimeter is in progress.

The specialists are laying the heating, water supply and lighting networks; installation of the air conditioning systems is commenced. There are 11 out of 42 elevators installed; setting up of individual heating plant equipment and transformer boxes is in progress.

The builders are also proceeding with laying of pipes of the in-site utility networks (around the stadium) which will provide for water and heat supply of the new arena as well as for wastewater disposal. The specialists are installing communication and telephone networks.

Over 1300 workers are involved in the stadium construction.