Completion of Installation of the Volgograd Arena Roof Subsystem

Completion of Installation of the Volgograd Arena Roof Subsystem

The final stage of installation of the roof subsystem has begun at Volgograd Arena Stadium. Specialists install steel rectangular structures (beams) on the roof “canopy”, which is located above the edge of the field. A membrane coating will subsequently be installed on the subsystem made of steel structures.

Installation of structures with a total weight of almost 110 tons is a complex technological operation. At the first stage, 176 elements will be alternately delivered to the height of almost 50 meters using a Ka-32 helicopter which is equipped with modern flight control equipment. A rope suspension technique will be used to deliver structures to the installation site. One of the main tasks of this process is the pinpoint precision work of the pilot and the specialists taking over the cargo on the “canopy”.

At the second stage, high riggers will install steel structures of the roof subsystem in the design position with the use of special equipment and begin to perform successive tensioning of steel ropes and roof coating made from transparent fluoropolymer material EFTE. The material has an increased strength, weather resistance and “self-cleaning ability” due to the adhesive surface. The area of the canopy roof coating will be 3800 square meters.

The slope of the canopy is formed in such a way that the atmospheric precipitations falling on it are directed to the compression ring, which has outflow channels for rainfall or snow-melt waters. During the rain, the water will go to the storm sewage system through internal piping. Water gutters and piping will be equipped with heating system, which will prevent ice formation and facilitate the melting of snow. 

At the same time, specialists are finishing up the installation of the white and blue membranes over the lobby and stadium stands, as well as installation of the roof drainage system. Pitch maintenance and preparation of the pitch for stitching are in progress. Work is carried out for the installation of stand seats (more than 27,000 pieces have already been installed), utilities and equipment, including steel structures painting, interior finishing, fitting of the floor-to-ceiling glazing, as well as landscaping. Over 2000 workers are involved in the construction of Volgograd Arena. The works are being carried out 24 hours a day.