Photoreport on the Progress of Reconstruction of the Central Embankment in Volgograd

Photoreport on the Progress of Reconstruction of the Central Embankment in Volgograd

Section between berths 9 and 10

STG JSC is actively continuing the reconstruction of the Volgograd embankment, the most popular recreation area among the city residents. Over 200 builders and 25 machines are engaged in the construction activities.

The main element of the renovated space from the river port to BK-13 monument will be the promenade along the embankment (the total length of all footpaths will be 18 km) and the central structure will be the amphitheatre with the bridge-type pedestrian crossing over the lateral road carriageway. The total parkland area will exceed 16 ha. A bicycle lane over 1 km long and a skateboarding ground with a special pavement will be built for active lifestyle enthusiasts.

So far, the site has witnessed the restoration of collapsed bank protection structures and the construction of new ones at two levels of embankment with a total length in excess of 1200 metres.

The pavements, parapets and stairways have been dismantled in the area of berths 9 and 10. The builders have started installing stone caps on the existing retaining walls to arrange flower bed bases.

A new asphalt concrete pavement has been laid at one of the sections (from BK-13 armoured boat to berth 9) on the lower terrace. Preparatory activities are being carried out to lay asphalt on the medium terrace.

Construction of the amphitheatre

The erection of the amphitheatre is going on. We have excavated a pit, laid a concrete bed and made it waterproof, concreted the outer walls of the underground part of the structure. Currently, the workers are making the internal framework that will be filled with sand to ensure the building stability. Utility lines will be laid inside the framework. At the end of construction, the amphitheatre bowl will be able to accommodate up to 2300 spectators.

Construction of the amphitheatre

Over 400 cubic metres of concrete mix has been filled in the base of future footpaths. Paving slabs are being applied in the area between the arch fountain and the amphitheatre.

Application of paving slabs

We have finished the reinforcement of frameworks for two round fountains 10 and 18 metres in diameter, each with decorative LED lighting. The fountains will be lined with granite slabs in relevant temperature conditions, i.e. at a minimum average daily temperature of +5 С. We are laying utility lines for the future round fountain 18 m in diameter; utility lines for the other fountain bowls have been completed. In total, four fountains having individual design concepts will be built in the context of the work carried out on the embankment.

Framework of one of the future fountains on the embankment

We have finished the construction of eight local treatment facilities. The new storm water drainage system is designed to receive rainwater and meltwater from the storm water basins of the new park area; in addition, it will be connected to all the fountains on the lower terrace.