Implementation of Artificial Intelligence in Construction

Implementation of Artificial Intelligence in Construction

The Round Table dedicated to the application of the experimental legal regime of AI (artificial intelligence) in construction organised by the Moscow Department of Entrepreneurship and Innovative Development and the Moscow Agency of Innovations was held this week.

The following representatives of the Moscow Government took part in the strategic session: E.A. Lysenko, Minister of the Moscow Government and Head of the Information Technology Department; R.R. Zagrutdinov, Head of the Moscow Department of Construction; A.A. Fursin, Head of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Innovative Development, etc.

P.P. Fedyayev, Director for Digital Development and Coordination in Construction, STG JSC, took part in the special section "Industry support measures for implementing AI in construction".

The Round Table was aimed at gathering and arranging an expert dialogue with the Moscow construction and design companies involved in the development and application of AI technologies, identifying their needs for legal, financial and organisational tools to enhance the efficiency of application of the experimental legal regime to be introduced in Moscow on 1 July according to the law signed by the President V.V. Putin*.

The range of questions discussed at the event include: identification of the barriers preventing the implementation of AI in construction; identification of the problems concerning the participants’ access to the data required for AI training and functioning, and to the infrastructure for collection and analysis; formulation of problem solving measures; implementation projects; support measures, and much more.

Many interesting and informative presentations were made giving ready-made solutions in innovation technologies with regard to the implementation of artificial intelligence (AI) in the industry.

The speakers of the Moscow Government representatives mainly told the audience about the digitalisation in the capital, what services are already in place (e.g., the Smart Palms service). Moscow is among the leading global cities in information technologies. The key focus points of the Moscow Government’s construction block include support, development and implementation of software from domestic vendors, and technology implementation cost.

Interesting facts:

  • Moscow ranks No. 9 on the global rating list of Startup Blink innovative ecosystems.
  • Moscow ranks No. 23 among the 100 largest IT capitals on the Tholons Globalization Index 2019 rating list (annual growth +16 points).
  • 74 Moscow companies are on the СNEWS 100 (2019) rating list of the largest Russian IT companies.

STRELKA KB and Alexander Kamenev presented an analytical review of the current status and trends of AI, and also its potential application in construction, and reviewed the effects of implementation of AI technologies on the city before, during and after construction.

The speaker from the Moscow Innovative Cluster (MIC)** surprised with the number of support measures for over 10,000 various organisations that are at the cutting edge of technological development.

Pavel Fedyayev had the task to check how the current technologies are understood in the market and to find out whether they can be used for the further development of Stroytransgaz JSC.

* On 1 July 2020, Moscow introduces a five-year experimental legal regime to create the required conditions for the development and implementation of artificial intelligence technologies.

To this end, the law authorises the Moscow City Government to establish the city conditions, requirements and procedure of development and implementation of certain artificial intelligence technologies, the cases and procedure of use of the artificial intelligence application results, the procedure and conditions of processing of anonymised personal data by the legal regime participants.

The relevant legal acts shall be developed with the participation of a special coordination board for the special legal regime that shall include the executive body representatives proposed by the Russian Government.

The proposed measures will allow to identify the spheres of economy and social relations where the implementation of artificial intelligence is reasonable; to find out which general legal rules shall be corrected and which ones shall be introduced for the first time, and also exactly what kind of changes in the legal regime will allow to achieve the technological sovereignty in the field of artificial intelligence.

**MIC is a communication forum created for implementing innovations and developing the cooperation among large corporations, industry, small and medium businesses, academicians, educational and scientific organisations, development institutes, and the city.