Video Overview of the Kaliningrad Cultural and Educational Complex Construction (May, 2021)

Date of publication

19 May 2021

Video Overview of the Kaliningrad Cultural and Educational Complex Construction (May, 2021)

We present you the most recent video overview of the Kaliningrad Cultural and Educational Complex construction progress.

Construction of facilities in the westernmost region of this country is underway on two sites – Eastern and Western – located on both sides of the Kaliningrad stadium, which was erected on Oktyabrsky Island for the FIFA World Cup 2018.

At the Western site, more than 22,000 cubic meters of concrete have already been laid in the structure of the Tretyakov Gallery Branch – 71% of the total volume. Besides, the installation of steel structures for half-timbered legs and for ventilation equipment is underway.

At the Eastern site, facilities of the educational complex are in the process of active interior decoration. The finishing of the buildings contains solutions that will make the educational complex space as functional as possible, for example, internal enclosing structures will provide for proper sound insulation. Sound-absorbing facings will also be used, noise dampers will be installed in forced ventilation and air conditioning systems, and measures are additionally taken for vibration isolation of the building utility equipment.

One of the best floor coatings used for leading concert halls and classrooms of ballet schools is applied in the interior decoration of the educational theater and ballet hall. It has high energy- and shock-absorbing characteristics, which allows dancers to relieve the load on their musculoskeletal system and reduce the risk of damage to their ligaments without losing balance during movement.

Special acoustic panels will also be used in the concert halls, which will ensure special acoustic characteristics of the halls in accordance with the acoustic calculations performed. Such panels will eliminate the flutter echo effect, when an amplified sound, repeatedly reflected from the walls, makes it feel as if it comes from several points at once. A special perforation absorbs sound vibrations at different frequencies with different sound absorption coefficients.

Partitions of the classrooms are designed and made of environmentally friendly acoustic materials with high soundproofing characteristics to ensure a comfortable educational process.

Sophisticated stage mechanisms – a front curtain (which hides what happens on the stage before the performance start and in the interval), flying bars for scenery, and lighting hoists – are being installed in the educational buildings of the Сhoreographic Academy and Music School. All the mechanisms are designed individually for this project and have safety braking systems. Besides, the educational building of the Сhoreographic Academy will be equipped with stage lighting to provide sufficient illumination for any event – from a lecture to a small concert.

Internal utility systems of water supply, sewerage and heating, ventilation and smoke removal, etc. – are at the final stage of installation.

Work is underway to build a sewage pumping station in the territory of the educational complex. At the moment, a landscape for green areas has been formed, grass has been sown on the slopes around the educational complex, plus flower beds outside of the scope of work are being landscaped. Sports grounds and raceways have been prepared for finishing.

The construction of five multi-apartment residential buildings for teachers and actors of the cultural and educational complex is set to continue. The installation of a reinforced concrete frame in two houses has been completed, the interior finishing and laying of internal utility networks is underway therein. Monolithic work in the remaining three houses is nearing completion. External and internal walls and partitions are under construction in two of them.

About 1,200 people and 30 specialty vehicles are engaged at the construction site now.