STG Zapad LLC Contributes to Environmental Protection in the Baltics!

Date of publication

25 October 2021

STG Zapad LLC Contributes to Environmental Protection in the Baltics!

The company joined the Kaliningrad Region Separate Waste Collection Project.

A collection point for waste batteries has been arranged at the construction site; the batteries will be provided for disposal to the Regional Union of Waste Recyclers.

We would like to remind that waste batteries refer to hazardous waste containing such toxic substances as heavy metal salts and harmful electrolytes. One battery disposed to the trash can contaminate 20 m2 of soil and 400 litres of water and the decomposition period of one battery is over 100 years.


In addition, the employees of STG Zapad LLC have been observing other rules for separate waste collection throughout the year. For example, a special container is provided for waste paper, then the paper is recycled and reused.

Solid wastes are utilized, too. So, wooden pallets are not scrapped, they are used to arrange various building materials during their storage in a warehouse. Metal scrap is given a new lease of life. Reinforced concrete products and asphalt concrete scrap are stored separately and then disposed with the help of the members of the Regional Union of Waste Recyclers.

The above activities allow the company to reduce the cost of disposal of certain types of waste at the landfill, including the negative environmental impact costs.

It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of the initiative for the environmental status of the Kaliningrad Region:

  • Lower consumption of natural resources;

  • Reduced amount of waste stored at industrial waste landfills;

  • Prevention of unauthorized landfills.

The procedure for waste collecting and disposal or recycling is set forth in internal regulations and communicated to all employees of STG Zapad LLC.

Remember that everybody must keep the planet healthy for future generations.
