Construction of an eight-storey cast-in-situ frame of the theater is being completed in Vladivostok

Construction of an eight-storey cast-in-situ frame of the theater is being completed in Vladivostok

On the Orlinoe Gnezdo hill, STG-Vostok builders are completing the construction of the cast-in-situ frame of the Cultural and Educational Complex. Its readiness has reached 89%. The area of the complex is almost 70 thousand square meters.

“The facility is growing by the minute. Only for a month the future theater has grown by another 10 meters. Over the summer we built six floors. Now the reinforced concrete frame is being built at a height of 33 meters from the ground level," - says Evgeny Koshelev, General Director of STG-Vostok.

According to Evgeny Koshelev, the heart of the Mariinsky Theater branch will be an auditorium for 1,300 seats. At present, the site is being prepared for the construction of a steel frame for the auditorium. The parterre has already been built and the construction of the second tier of the auditorium has begun.

The branch of the Mariinsky Theatre will be the highest and largest section of the multifunctional center. The area of the theater will exceed 45 thousand square meters.

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The Cultural and Educational Complex includes three sections: theater, institute, and museum. In the museum section of the Complex, the builders have completed the staircase roof, which starts from the ground level and ends at a height of 45 meters. The area of the sloping roof or "stairway to the heaven" will be more than 1 thousand square meters.

In the third section, where the branch of RGISI and the School of Creative Industries will be located, the concreting of internal staircases has been completed. We should consider that each storey is a minimum of 9 metres high.

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Construction work on Orlinnoe Gnezdo hill will continue even in winter. As Evgeny Koshelev noted, now the builders are preparing for arrangement of the thermal circuit. Then they will proceed to the installation of internal partitions, stained glass glazing, drainage system, and external and internal utilities.


Background info:

Cultural and educational complexes in Kaliningrad, Kemerovo, Sevastopol, and Vladivostok are created by order of Russian President Vladimir Putin. The National Cultural Heritage Foundation is the customer of the works. JSC Stroytransgaz is the general contractor.

The following branches will be located on Orlinoye Gnezdo hill, the highest point in the historic part of the city: The Tretyakov Gallery, the Hermitage, the Russian State Institute of Stage Arts, the School of Creative Industries, and the Mariinsky Theater.

Already built and commissioned on Russky Island: branches of the Moscow State Academy of Choreography and the Central Music School with educational theaters, comprehensive school with two swimming pool, boarding houses for students, a dormitory for RGISI students, and three multi-apartment residential buildings for teaching staff and performing artists. Children started their education on Russky Island in September 2023.

Erection of the Cultural and Educational Complex facilities in Vladivostok started in 2019.