The Creative Industries Week in Kuzbass

JSC Stroytransgaz-Siberia took an active part in the work performed within the framework of the “Week of Creative Industries in Kuzbass”.

Employees of the company not only presented the Siberian cultural complex as a possible point of growth for the region, but also took part in the work of platforms where professionals and active citizens developed options for future business projects in terms of the Kemerovo identity.

For example, options for improving the bank of the Iskitimka River, where the largest facility of JSC STG-Siberia – the museum and theatre complex – is located, were proposed. So, according to Kemerovo residents, a recreation area with a flotator (a water treatment plant) and an amphitheatre – a “time capsule” – that will present historical views of the capital of Kuzbass, and other facilities may well be located next to the complex.


The invited guest – Svyatoslav Murunov, founder of the network of Applied Urban Studies Centres, Kaliningrad – noted that, in his opinion, the initiative of the city residents would fit well into the concept of the city and the project.

For photographers, artists, actors, and other active citizens whose hobbies or work are related to creativity, a series of master classes has been organized to support the development of creative industries in the region. On the final day of the festival, federal experts in the field of urban studies, creative industries, PR, authors of remarkable projects from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, and Omsk gathered at the main venue.

The event organizers are the Ministry of Culture of Kuzbass and Goodline.


Let us remind you that, as part of the construction of the Siberian Culture Complex, the following venues will be built in Kemerovo: Opera and Ballet Theatre (a branch of the State Academic Mariinsky Theatre); Museum & Exhibition Centre (a branch of the Russian Museum); Kuzbass Centre of Arts with Cinema and Concert Complex (design by Coop Himmelb(l)au [Austria]); Siberian Campus and Dormitory of the Russian State Institute of Performing Arts, including the Creative Industries School; Museum depository with a restoration centre; 2 buildings to accommodate educators and artistes.

Already built and commissioned are: Branch of the Moscow State Academy of Choreography with a boarding school; Siberian Branch of the Central Music School – Academy of Performing Arts with a boarding school and a comprehensive school with 2 swimming pools.

The construction of the Kemerovo Complex project started in 2019.