Bolshoi in Kaliningrad

In the near future, famous ballets can be visited not only in Moscow - cultural and educational complexes are being built in Vladivostok, Kaliningrad, Kemerovo, and Sevastopol. It is an unique project both in terms of scale and goals. For the first time in Russian history, four opera and ballet theatres will be opened almost simultaneously in different parts of the country. In Kaliningrad, the building of the Bolshoi Theatre branch of 35.9 thousand square meters will be located on Paradnaya Embankment along the Pregolya River. We talk to Vladimir Urin, General Director of the Bolshoi Theater, and Dmitry Sergeevich Rzhannikov, General Director of the contracting company STG-Zapad, about what the branch of the outstanding theater will be like and their creative plans.


- Vladimir Georgievich, the State Academic Bolshoi Theater of Russia is one of the founders of the National and Cultural Heritage Foundation. In your opinion, how will the appearance of modern cultural complexes of such a grandiose scale affect the regions? How will it affect our country as a whole?

I think that the very idea of creating these centers is very positive: when one considers the emergence of not only high-class cultural and art institutions in the region, but also all the necessary infrastructure. This includes educational institutions that will train specialists for these institutions, and residential buildings where guest staff will live. How will the country as a whole be affected? It seems to me that there will be no instant influence. In general, the issues of culture, art, education are about creating a certain environment. And this takes time. The opening of these institutions will only be the beginning of the process. But there is no doubt that in a few years it will definitely change the cultural landscape of these regions. And changing the cultural landscape of the four regions, in any case, is certainly a very serious contribution to the cultural component of the country.

- In your opinion, will the clusters be noticed in the world cultural space? What impact can they have? Are there any similar examples in the world?

There are no such examples in the world. At least, I don't know of anywhere else in the world where a government program has invested such serious funds and implemented such a large-scale cultural expansion.... Whether it will be noticed in the world cultural space depends on other circumstances. I hope it will be noticed.

- For the first time in the country, a branch of the country's most important theater, the Bolshoi Theater, will be established in Kaliningrad. Vladimir Georgievich, when building the branch, are you trying at the phase of construction of the building to convey in it the traditions, symbols, decoration of the Bolshoi Theater or will the branch have its own history?

The architectural design of the theater does not include references to the traditions and decoration of the Bolshoi Theater. Although, we would like to keep one detail, one such reference. If we succeed, then of course everyone who enters the building will immediately see it. Though it will be a secret for now.

- Dmitry Sergeevich, perhaps you will reveal to us a couple of interesting ideas that your team is implementing during the construction of the theater?

The architects sought to create a minimalist design that will have an authentic look even after many years of service. Spectacular diagonal layout of the theatre building will provide its unique view from the scenery spots in the city. Roof structure will be a unique solution as it merges into amenities of the amphitheatre designed as a public space and used for various events.

A highlight of the main auditorium is the transformable chandelier, consisting of dozens of luminous "glasses" on hangers, which is advantageously positioned in the hall when the audience enters, and is hidden behind the ceiling slats during the performance.

Performing all the architects' ideas and customer's wishes will make the theater memorable and special for the audience. It is safe to say that the Bolshoi Theatre branch was designed and is built according to all modern requirements for the world's most famous theatres.

- Architectural solutions were chosen not by chance, as cultural and educational complexes are not built every day, and in a few centuries they should look visually relevant and original. Vladimir Georgievich, what is your opinion of the architectural appearance of the museums and theaters that will be part of the new cultural centers of Russia?

I am familiar in detail with the project in Kaliningrad. I only have a general understanding of the architectural solutions in Sevastopol, Vladivostok and Kemerovo, but I think they are very interesting. Of course, I believe that all these buildings will certainly bear a very clear imprint of the modern architecture of the 21st century. And they will look both relevant and original.


- Dmitry Sergeevich, quite a lot is said about the uniqueness of the building of the Bolshoi Theater branch. What are its peculiarities?

I would point out two main aspects. The first is that the construction site is located in a flood zone next to the Pregolya River. A basement floor, the usual location of a storage area for the theatre's lower stage machinery, became impossible to arrange. In order to accommodate this equipment, the stage and ground level had to be raised to +12 metres, thus requiring to find a way to move all the spectators (950 people) to the 4th floor comfortably, quickly and efficiently, while maintaining atmosphere of the theatre and not turning it into a shopping mall. When designing the layout, the architects planned a theatre foyer with several levels and grand staircases doubled by escalators.

The second is, of course, a console with no support point. In creating the shape of the theatre building, the architects were inspired by a ballerina performing a "cou-de-pie" spin. This created the form of the main facade - a hyperboloid of rotation with a hinged console and 80 m outreach. The similar architectural concept with the console was adopted for construction of Ludwig Museum in Budapest, Hungary. However, the Hungarian project involves a support for the console, while for Kaliningrad Branch of the Bolshoi Theatre, Russian designers who developed the detailed design documentation came up with a solution enabling the console to float in the air. In terms of its architecture, the building will be iconic not only in Kaliningrad, but also in the country.

- Vladimir Georgievich, what do you think are the expectations of people in the regions, are there any differences from the "capital's audience"? From your point of view, is there a certain local environment in which high art will be in demand?

Undoubtedly, the art of opera and ballet requires a certain cultural preparation of the spectator. And in this sense, the Moscow audience differs from the Russian audience, first of all, in terms of opportunities. There are many times more offers concerning musical theater in Moscow than in the regions. And the number of spectators attending opera and ballet performances is much greater. But, on the other hand, the regional audience is more sincere, more direct in its perception, more warm towards the theater than the Moscow or St. Petersburg audience.

- What ideas do you have that you plan to bring to the regions, maybe special cultural events in Kaliningrad? What kind of dialog should we enter into with people and how can we achieve a growth in the popularity of theatrical art among the population?

First of all, if you have noticed, the Bolshoi Theatre has been coming to Kaliningrad on tour with opera and ballet programs for several years now. I think there will be several more such visits before the theater opens. We are trying to understand the audience's preferences, their affections and passions in the field of theater. For example, during our last tour (when we brought a concert performance of Tchaikovsky's Eugene Onegin) we conducted a very serious sociological survey of the audience, trying to find out the answers to these questions. And we will continue to visit Kaliningrad.

- Times and cultural preferences of people in the modern world are changing rapidly and strongly, a new generation is coming, which seeks to synthesize the arts. How to attract a whole new audience to the performances and how to find a common language with them?

We are also a modern theater. Of course, today we are trying not only to preserve the classical heritage of the Bolshoi Theater, but also to speak the modern languages of opera and ballet. This is one of the goals and objectives if we want to be a vital theater.

- How are you going to plan the repertoire?

The same way as at the Bolshoi Theater, three years in advance.

- Vladimir Georgievich, when will you begin to form creative plans? Perhaps today you already know exactly what production will open the first season of the Bolshoi Theatre branch in Kaliningrad?

I can't say yet what show will open the first season in Kaliningrad, but, of course, at first the cooperation between the Bolshoi Theater and the Kaliningrad branch will be very close. Maybe some performances of the Bolshoi Theater will get their second life on the stage of Kaliningrad. Especially in the first two years, when the creative team of the theater will be formed. But afterwards we hope very much that the branch of the Bolshoi Theater in Kaliningrad will acquire its own creative bright and interesting face.

- With the world changing towards digitalization and the new environment caused by the pandemic, more and more people are using online broadcasts. What innovative media technologies are planned to be used in the branch?

Theater is not a technical art. Modern technologies, of course, should be used in stage design, in communication with the audience. I mean that the Internet gives us the opportunity to inform the audience about what is happening in the theater, helps to arrange the purchase of tickets, and provides us a feedback from the audience. Here technologies should be as up-to-date as possible, at the highest technical level, to help us in matters of communication. But as for the theater, which has existed for more than 2 thousand years (as a momentary performing art, the art of communication between the stage and the audience) - so, I am sure, it will continue to live. No technology will ever be able to replace this live communication.

- Dmitry Sergeevich, perhaps the most difficult thing is the acoustics of the theater. How do you solve this problem?

It is certainly one of the most difficult tasks. When designing the auditoriums, the acoustic engineers calculated them to reach the world level sound. The acoustic parameters of the auditorium have special requirements. Among them are the shapes of supporting elements, the location of special reflectors, absorbers and other elements of a large system. Acoustic engineers will necessarily supervise the construction and monitor the implementation of all recommendations. A number of tests will be conducted followed by certain adjustments, if required.

- The dream "to send your child to ballet" will come true. Thanks to the cultural and educational complexes, the highest level of infrastructure has been created and comfortable conditions for students and teachers of the branches of RGISI, Moscow State Academy of Choreography and the Central Music School have been provided. Do you think that the branches will be able to compete with the capital's universities? And will it be possible to expect to get a job in the new theater after graduation from specialized educational institutions?

Of course. That is why these educational institutions were created, which will train soloists and artists. And, of course, the best graduates will have the opportunity to work in the new theater.

- How will the issue of staffing be solved and is it necessary to train personnel locally? Are you already recruiting specialists to work in the branch theater? Will they be local or visiting specialists?

As for staffing – of course, it will be a complicated story. On the one hand, we will recruit staff if they fit the professional profile, primarily in Kaliningrad. On the one hand, we will recruit staff if they fit the professional profile, primarily in Kaliningrad. Especially in specialties that are not yet trained in Kaliningrad or have only just begun (and cannot meet the theater's needs). So there will be local specialists, but there will also be visiting professionals.

*The interview is also available on the website Culture 39"-