29 May 2023
Facility view
Stroytransgaz GC is inproving the Kolyma R-504 federal highway that goes from Yakutsk to Magadan. The section is located in the Khasynsky Distsrict of Magadan Region and has a length of 10 km (from 1821 to 1831 km).
Preparations for project execution are currently underway there. A geodetic survey of the existing earth embankment is done at the site. Now the company is processing survey results in their office, expected to be completed on May 31.
Earth bed filling
The access to the shift camp, which is currently under construction, is also complete. A temporary bypass road is built and excavation work for installation of a steel corrugated pipe with a diameter of 2 m is completed at KP 82. In addition, existing road signs, barrier railings, and signal poles are being dismantled at the site. Temporary road signs are in place for the period of improvement works.
In addition, earthworks are underway on this section of Kolyma Highway: clearing forest, loosening slopes of the earth bed with a bulldozer, laying geotextile in the bed base (15.76 thousand square meters laid in May), removing unsuitable soil, and filling the bed to its design values. The company begins to develop the rocky volcanic hill that lies within the working boundaries. Preparations are now underway: the site is being leveled for the drilling boreholes to lay charges. The drilling and blasting operations will be conducted by a specialized organization.
Drilling and blasting rig
Given that the construction area has harsh climatic conditions (ambient temperature can reach minus 55 °C), building structures of special northern design are used. Currently 22 people and about 30 pieces of equipment (excavators, bulldozers, pavement rollers, dump trucks, motor graders, etc.) are engaged in the improvement works.
Pavement layer arrangement will begin in May 2024: earth pavement will be replaced with two layers of asphalt concrete with a total thickness of 15 cm.An asphalt-concrete plant will be built near the site to ensure uninterrupted works.
In addition, there will be a new 50 m-long reinforced concrete bridge over the Atka River at the site under construction. Also, 17 new corrugated steel culverts will be installed on the main road and junctions.
The Kolyma Highway is the only transportation artery that ensures land transportation and economic relations of the Magadan Region and the Republic of Sakha (Yakutiya). Further reconstruction of the R-504 Kolyma federal highway will improve the comfort level for motor vehicle travel, traffic safety, and reduce the cost of freight delivery and time losses by passengers on the road.