3 June 2022
Stroytransgaz Group has signed new contracts for the overhaul of the Yakutsk–Magadan Kolyma Highway. Sections with a length of 21.5 km will be repaired. The customer is the Federal State Institution Interregional Directorate for Road Construction in the Far East Region of Russia of the Federal Road Agency.
The Yakutsk–Magadan is a highway of federal significance. It is a key element of the regional and transport system, since it is the only road core of the eastern part of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), the western and central parts of the Magadan Region, and provides access to the Pacific coast. It has strategic and defensive significance for Russia.
The construction of roads in the Magadan region has its own specifics. The climatic conditions of the region are characterized by sharp continentality and severity. The territory of the repair site is located in the permafrost zone. The height of the snow cover from October to April can reach an average of 40–50 cm. The facility also belongs to the zone of 8-point seismicity.
Currently, the road has both dirt and concrete pavement. The road pavement is unsatisfactory, the route elements do not correspond to the geometric parameters, the existing culverts are worn out.
Upon completion of the overhaul, the road will have 2 traffic lanes, the width of the carriageway will be from 7 m to 7.5 m, and the width of the reinforced shoulder will be from 2.5 m to 3.75 m. On the main course of the route, a two-layer asphalt concrete pavement will be laid, crushed stone and crushed stone mixture will be the base.
There are 22 culverts in the area of road repair sites. Repairs and replacement works will be carried out on 15 of them. Temporary bypass roads will be arranged to ensure uninterrupted traffic on the sites.
The recreation area located along the road will also be repaired. Transitional high-speed lanes will be arranged, asphalt concrete coating will be laid on the site, and a sidewalk will be built.
To organize safe traffic at the repair sites, a total of 52 road signs, 30.7 thousand linear meters of metal barrier fencing, and 112 plastic signal posts will be installed. Upon completion of asphalt coating, cold plastic will be used to apply markings with glass beads.
2 shift camps will be built for the convenience of workers.
It is planned to complete work under each contract by the end of September 2022. The total price was about RUB 1.2 billion. The source of financing for the project implementation is the Federal Road Fund.